– The Equivalent Daylight (D65) Illuminance Toolbox and Userguide were designed by International Commission on Illumination (“CIE”) to enable calculations and conversions of measured quantities related to the non-visual effects of light, following the international standard CIE S 026/E:2018. System for Metrology of Optical Radiation for ipRGC-Influenced Responses to Light. CIE, Vienna.
This beta version has been designed for early release and feedback from the participants of the Tutorial on CIE S 026. Use and application of the new metrology for ipRGC-influenced responses to light. 14-15 March 2019, Eindhoven. It is an important disclaimer that the user of the Toolbox should always check the results of this beta version Toolbox against manual calculations according to the standard.
After the 30 June 2019, a final version of the Toolbox is expected to be freely available. As a result, this beta version is programmed to stop working after this date. Considered feedback or enquiries about the Toolbox should be sent to Luke.Price@phe.gov.uk, l.j.m.schlangen@tue.nl who will endeavour to answer any questions as quickly as possible.
The purpose of the toolbox is to support the usage of CIE S 026 but is not part of the official International Standard.
20190319 – CIE S 026 Toolbox – vE1.05
This page will be available until March 27th!