- Dit boek gaat over het zicht en de visuele waarneming. Duco A. Schreuder, een fysicus en psycholoog, verkent de fijnere details in dit baanbrekende boek van het menselijke bewustzijn en perceptie. Hij deelt vrijwel alles wat hij geleerd over een gevarieerde carrière van meer dan zestig jaar.
Het boek is geschreven in het Engels. De inhoud van het boek vindt u hieronder. Bestellen kan via deze link.
This book is about vision and visual perception. Vision is about insight, and visual perception is about cognition. These two are the two legs on which the book is based. They come together in the body. The body is about human consciousness, where all ideas of insight and cognition are processed. Therefore, the body is also in a literally sense the body, the bulk, of the book. On top of the body one finds the head, in this case the unity of it all, the harmony, and even, in a tentative way, some ideas about the spiritual aspects, about ‘seeing the light’.
There is a reality ‘out there’ and a reality ‘in here’. All knowledge about the reality ‘out there’ comes to us via the senses. As senses are never fully exact, we have to be satisfied by an approximation. Visual perception will in all likelihood provide a quite large amount of useful information about the world ‘out there’, but one never can rely on it in order to come to hard conclusions about the outer world. Sensory perception is the only window we have towards the reality ‘out there’.
We have to be satisfied that the window distorts the view.
Visual perception ultimately concerns the processing of information.
The processing is a matter that is related to human consciousness, not only for understanding what is to be processed, but also to store and retrieve the information. The book delves in many aspects of the theories of vision, as well as the theories about the neuronal aspects of these theories.
The book is based on about 80 years of interest in light and sigh by the author, and over 60 years of active research in vision and illuminating engineering.