– Dear National Committees,
This is to advise you about the OSA Webinar on “Blue Light Hazard – What does it really mean?”which will be presented by John O’Hagan, in his role of CIE VP Standards and former Director Division 6.
If possible please circulate this information within your National Committee Membership.
Date and Time: December 19, 2019, 12:00 noon (Eastern Time, USA and Canada)
Registration: https://osa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sLn5L1h9RealyqjXCAG96g
Light can have hazardous and dangerous effects on the retina. In April 2019, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) published a Position Statement on Blue Light Hazard (BLH), addressing recent concerns about the possible hazardous effects of light on the retina. In this webinar presented by the OSA Color Technical Group, John O’Hagan will outline what the term means and the specific methods to assess the Blue Light Hazard from various sources of optical radiation, including LEDs. In addition, public health implications of the Blue Light Hazard will also be discussed.
What You Will Learn:
– The meaning of the term “Blue Light Hazard”
– Methods to calculate Blue Light Hazard
– What Blue Light Hazard means and whether the media hype about the Blue Light Hazard from LEDs is justified.
Dr John O’Hagan, CIE Vice President Standards
Who Should Attend:
– Anyone with an interest in the public health issues from lighting
Kind regards,
Kathryn Nield
General Secretary
CIE Central Bureau