
ILIAD is het jaarlijkse “public outreach event” van het Intelligent Lighting Institute van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst worden relevante hoogtepunten gepresenteerd van recente ontwikkelingen in wetenschappelijk onderzoek & technologische innovatie op het gebied van
componenten, systemen & toepassingen/diensten voor intelligente verlichting voor toepassingen ten behoeve van zorg en welzijn.


Invitation ILIAD 2019 | November 21 | Eindhoven

On November 21 2019, the Intelligent Lighting Institute (ILI) of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and High Tech NL organise the 2019 edition of the annual public outreach event.

During this event we highlight recent developments in responsible research & innovation in science & technology in light & intelligent lighting and its applications in, for instance, health & well-being. During the event the audience will also be able to get better informed about recent, current, and upcoming research & innovation projects carried out by researchers related to ILI by means of a series of poster presentations..

*this event, including the borrel, is free of charge

Program (tentative) 

09:00 | Registration with coffee/tea
09:25 | Opening & Welcome | by prof. dr. I.E.J. (Ingrid) Heynderickx, scientific director of ILI
09:30 | “Overview on UPE (ultra-weak photon emission)/biophotonics and the application on health and agriculture” | dr. Yu Yan | MELUNA
10:00 | Overview on the possibilities and challenges of laser light” | J. (John) Peek  | jp *InnoConsult
10:30 | Break & poster presentations
11:00 | Roadmap sessions in three groups. You are invited to give input to the roadmap of the research program of your choice. The goal is to collect ideas for new topics and new milestones
12:30 | Lunch
13:00 | Holst Symposium and Holst Memorial Lecture on Light/Lighting Please register seperately via http://www.aanmelder.nl/holst2019
18:15 | Closing and Reception

TU/e Campus, Auditorium Building
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven
View Map

There is no participation fee for this event, but please sign up in advance. This event is made possible by Holland High Tech MIT-regeling Netwerkactiviteiten

If you have question regarding this event or about the roadmap Lighting, you can contact Willem Endhoven: willem.endhoven@hightechnl.nl